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Product details
File Size: 1783 KB
Print Length: 140 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: bigwords101; 2 edition (June 4, 2016)
Publication Date: June 4, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#149,886 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I LOVE Miller's 1st edition of her book. It was the best little grammar book I have ever taught with. I am not sure why she moved the pre-pop quizzes. They originally were at the front of every chapter, where before you dove into the chapter, you could get a sense of where you were or what you knew. Now the tests are in the back.--------I have updated my initial 3 stars to 5 after Ms. Miller responded to my comment (see my response to her below). Now that I know the 2nd edition of the BLGBE has a companion workbook all problems are solved!
As a relatively new writer I had not previously read any of Arlene Miller’s work as ‘The Grammar Diva’. I needed to have one place where, as I wrote something, I could quickly check that odd sentence or punctuation that just did not look or sound correct. On a recommendation from a friend, I bought The Best Little Grammar Book Ever! second edition. After using this book I am at once impressed at the simple, to the point structure and relieved that I no longer have to work hard and waste a lot of time to resolve my on-the-fly grammar questions. Like any writer, I want to focus on the story and not researching technical errors. I would heartily recommend The Best Little Grammar Book Ever as a super choice for anyone that is in need of a quick, intuitive grammar source.
This little grammar book is indeed a small treasure. Arlene Miller is a master of the conversational approach to clarifying the sticking points of grammar and everyday usage, making the book an enjoyable read. I'll keep this on my desk for quick everyday reference.
Very basic instruction. You could google the advice or have it handy in this book.
Perfect little grammar book. I needed a quick reference guide to assist and remind me of my grammar. I read a few pages every evening.
Ok book...
My daughter was so thrilled to get this book as one of her Christmas gifts. She had put if on her Amazon Wish List (a much loved tool). She had been searching for the book for some time.
I like this book. It's like author Arlene was sitting on my shoulder whispering or coaching me. Since this was her 2nd edition, she refined it, makes it easier to find what you want in chapters, more help with word usage we ponder and wonder about, yet don't know what to do... , I noted the quizzes are gone ( thanks, my test anxiety was bad) and she says she's coming out with an separate final quiz / workbook... We all know how words and phrases are changing how we interact and communicate with each other, so she works to make it easier for us too, I appreciate that. If you're like me, words come out of your mouth, and you know they're not the ones you want, but you don't know what they might be, Arlene helps in a nice way, not nasty teacher to student way. I found it easy to navigate and get to what I was looking for. She add's quotes from authors of notoriety too. Get it, and your life will shine.
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