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Product details
File Size: 523 KB
Print Length: 40 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Good Living Publishing (May 20, 2014)
Publication Date: May 20, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B00K85HD16
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#200,907 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
A slender, focused book filled with practical suggestions and useful questions. Although designed primarily for folks who feel shy or sometimes awkward in social situations, this book seems very useful for international students and English language learners wanting to feel more comfortable in the United States.Although I'm a big fan of the book and have recommended it to several friends and university students, the title and subtitle seem somewhat inaccurate and make some overly bold claims. Many of the exercises are simply impossible for a shy, let alone "painfully shy" person, to actually use. Somehow I suspect the author is a natural extrovert and seems to underestimate the emotional barriers to starting conversations and/or engaging in savvy small talk. The book does, however, provide many helpful tips and savvy suggestions. Many readers appreciate the short stories and checklists. I just wish the book had a different, less flamboyant title.
I bought this thinking I was going to get a book. This is more like a pamphlet. It ended up being around roughly 28 pages long. Although some of what the author wrote was good, I feel like I very much overpayed for this information. For ten bucks, I should have gotten a lot more info or insight than what I got. Wished I would have spent my ten bucks on an actual book, rather than this. Oh well I guess
The crux of this work, to put very simply, is the benefits of reaching out to people. This might be a very common theme of personality development-related books, but what makes this book stand out is the incisive style of presentation along with vibrant examples. The Anchor-Reveal-Encourage approach to strike up casual yet engaging conversation is something unique. Personally, I’m not an introvert, so it will be somewhat difficult for me to understand the situation in perspective. But still I’d say that reading this book has been an enriching experience. Especially because smalls talks, at many times, open up the avenue for more extensive and spontaneous conversation. I have made many new friends in this way, thus can relate the contents to myself (minus the shyness part). Well-conceptualized, and well-written – so let’s go for it.
A quick read covering all the salient points:- Why "small" talk isn't really so small,- Why it's truly important for living well and for succeding with any creative project, cause-based initiative or money-making enterprise.- Specific, practical steps you can take to overcome many of the obstacles that can hold you back.Includes short, but actionable steps to take for the top 8 things that make small talk work:1. Getting your anxiety and fear under control.2. Recognizing who may be willing to talk.3. Starting a conversation4. Keeping it going.5. Ending it smoothly.6. Making a great first impression, including your physical appearance.7. How to be approachable but avoid looking like a creep.8. Following up with the relationships you'd like to continue.One, unsolicited, tip from me about physical appearance:In my experience, it's usually better to "dress up" in relationship to the "dress code" of those you are engaging. It's important to guage carefully how far "up." In every day business, for example, if you are meeting with people whose dress code is business casual, try wearing an average style suit or sports jacket and tie. On the other hand, avoid wearing a tuxedo to a pool party, unless you're trying to get thrown in the pool (a metaphor for drawing a lot of negative attention to yourself). By dressing slightly more formally than those with whom you are meeting or networking, you demonstrate a certain degree of respect that seems to be appreciated by many people.
Ack. I wish I'd read this years ago. It is well-known that introverts don't like small-talk (we're NOT shy, we just are stimulated by it) but as the author states, it is an important business skill. If you're an introvert it is a skill that doesn't come naturally but many of us have to fake it, bumble our way through or somehow else summon the energy, courage, whatever it takes if we want to be successful. I really appreciated learning the ARE acronym to open a conversation. I also was happy to see the section of how not to come across as a pick up artist because we really don't want any more of that PUA stuff out in the world.
This short and to the point book takes yo by the hand and shows you step by step how to strike up a conversation with anyone in just about any situation. So many people, me included, as so intimidated of talking to people we miss out on so many opportunities. This book can help you grow and change that. Recommended reading.
Quick read to remind ourselves the etiquette of small talk. I think it is very helpful for people who struggle to make small conversations in unfamiliar groups. Breaks the whole process into what it is about, what works and what doesn't. Author did a great job in keeping the book small without going into motivational speeches by repeating the same point over and over.
I give this 4.5 stars. It's simple information, but it's information I needed someone to tell me.The biggest thing I got out of this book was a change of perspective. I was someone who DREADED small talk, I thought it was pointless. Plus, all it seemed to do was make me uncomfortable. It was a pretty big part of my social anxiety. However, Andy mentions how small talk is necessary in order to build a base for a conversation so you can then go deeper. That made so much sense to me. Along with his other useful tips, I feel much more comfortable and open when I'm around people.I appreciated the quick and easy read. Thanks, Andy!
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