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Vocabulary Cartoons II: SAT Word Power
Free Download Vocabulary Cartoons II: SAT Word Power
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Product details
Paperback: 347 pages
Publisher: New Monic Books; Revised ed. edition (July 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0965242242
ISBN-13: 978-0965242240
Product Dimensions:
5.6 x 0.7 x 8.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
226 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#28,549 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book felt very dated to me, and my students disliked it, finding it too complicated. I agree with some other reviewers that it might get you to remember the word and some of its meaning, but it ends up being rote learning.Re: DatedThe cartoon and mnemonic of "affinity" relies on Chinese stereotypes. This is bad in general, and worse when (like me) you have lots of Chinese students. "Alleviate" has a weird image of a "native" (clearly African) eating leaves as medicine. There are other "natives" used for "phobia." "Bizarre" uses a stereotype of turbaned Arab traders selling odd things. "Tourque" has a mockery of an image of a Turkish man. The only non-white characters in the book are all ludicrous stereotypes! A teacher who is worried about sexist imagery would have a field day this book as well.
I really like the way this teaches vocabulary and spelling. I just wish the books were a little larger. I ordered a previous version of Vocabulary Cartoons by the same company, and the book is so much larger. I love the format, though. I think this is an amazing way to teach kids to remember words. I wish I had had something similar when I was in school!! It makes learning fun. Every word has a cartoon, pronunciation key, "sounds like" example, and sentences that use the word in various forms to further understanding. At the end of each 10 word set is a matching/fill in the blank test. Very good book. (Same review for Vocab. SAT book 2.. I ordered both.. I love them!)
This book is great! I am halfway through the 290 words and I remember all the ones i learned! the mnemonic devices utilize one way the brain learns: visual association. this book is not kidding when it claims that you will learn "a word a minute and youll never forget it". The visual mnemonics are hilarious and silly, often ridiculous, which is great because our brains tend to remember anomalies, and pictures are worth a thousand words remember? The pictures are very well done too. Here's one of my favorite examples:HUSBANDRY(HUZ bun dree) of resources, esp. in agricultureLink: HUSBAND TREE*picture inserted of a woman standing proudly holding a pitchfork next to a tree. Male farmers are shown hanging by their trousers on the branches*"To help in her HUSBANDRY chores, Aunt Emma had her own HUSBAND TREE."(Examples Sentences)Bud's superb HUSBANDRY of his orange grove resulted in a larger than expected crop this year.(HUSBANDRY is the practive of conserving resources; to HUSBAND is to economize) Experts say the world's oil resources will soon be exhausted, and we must soon begin to HUSBAND oil.Everyone in our squad HUSBANDED their share of water for the long trek back to the barracks.This mnemonic method helps you not only learn, but retain hundreds of words. So the next time you encounter the word husbandry, you will automatically think "husband tree" and then the picture of a bunch of men hanging from a tree will come into your mind, and then you will remember the funny sentence, and finally, the definition. btw, this will all happen in an instant. The three example sentences will help you learn the words in context, and there is a review after every 10 words to assess what you learned. This book will be extremely helpful for the SAT!However, there are reasons why I didn't give this a 5 out of 5 rating. For one thing, there are only 290 words in this book. yes, there is another volume, but in total there's only 580 words, and you need to know more for the SAT. i recommend getting a vocabulary book like Princeton Review's Word Smart or Norman Lewis's Word Power Made Easy as a supplement. yes, they are not quite as fun as VC, but they do have a lot more words.Two, sometimes the link word and picture have NOTHING to do with the definition of the word, to the point where the mnemonic can't help you memorize the word. For example, what does a man being stuck in an AIRTIGHT jar have to do with being ERUDITE?Three, the words in this book are particularly easy. I knew a lot of the words in the book before reading it. for example, ajar, aftermath, abhor, allure, alternative, antecedent, appalling, artisan, aspire, astute, asunder, assuage, bizzare, bleak, certify, chide, comprise, cower, cranny, creditor, criterion, damper,deft, dillema, disperse, docile, dormant,embellish, emit, embody, endure, enrage, entice, emulate, evoke, feign, generalize, giddy, gloat, and more and I'm only halfway through! But then again, my vocabulary isn't that bad, so it depends, are you a vocabulary Einstein? If you are, say a junior/senior in high school and very diligent in memorizing list after list of words, then this book will not be a doozy. But if you are a lazy person lacking of vocabulary and don't feel like memorizing mundane lists but need a quick and easy method to memorize words, then this book is perfect! however, it doesn't hurt to reinforce what you know right?The gripes I have do not take away from the quality of this excellent book and the effectiveness of the methods. I can't wait to read the second volume as well! Definitely buy this book NOW, you will not regret it!
I really like the way this teaches vocabulary and spelling. I just wish the books were a little larger. I ordered a previous version of Vocabulary Cartoons by the same company, and the book is so much larger. I love the format, though. I think this is an amazing way to teach kids to remember words. I wish I had had something similar when I was in school!! It makes learning fun. Every word has a cartoon, pronunciation key, "sounds like" example, and sentences that use the word in various forms to further understanding. At the end of each 10 word set is a matching/fill in the blank test. Very good book.
I home school my son and we love this vocabulary book used to supplement his Language Arts learning. It is presented in a fun format with the cartoons and gives several examples of each word in a sentence to increase the understanding. My son is a reluctant learner on the Autism spectrum and loves this book.
Vocabulary Cartoons II contains 290 key words presented through cartoons.Each word contains a "link" word which is intended to serve as a mnemonic device, helping you to associate the new word to the word that you may be more familiar with. A good deal of the "link" words rhyme with the "key" word. To make the association even easier, the authors have provided a phrase which is easy to remember as in "We LAMENT that Joe got buried in CEMENT". This phrase is portrayed through a cartoon, providing a visual mnemonic.Under each cartoon, you'll find three sentences with contexts where it may be appropriate to use the "key" word. These examples will also help you to develop the feel for the word, as well as to create more associations to the key word.The authors have appropriately said that this book is "for everyone". The words in this vocabulary book seem to be for the most part on a high-school level. The words in Vocabulary Cartoons II are no harder than those in the Vocabulary Cartoons - you just get to learn more words.For greater challenge, you may want to check out Verbal Advantage.
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